Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Blog - SHARPIE Spotting!!

As a proud member of the 2010 Sharpie Squad, I'm always on the lookout for people using Sharpies. It's amazing how many people depend on their Sharpies everyday!

Honestly I have seen Sharpies used in many different businesses and by many artists to create unique and wonderful art....but I didn't have to look very far to find a young artist who has put her Sharpies to good use! Ali is my pottery student who I've been working with all summer. Of course she needed a personalized apron to keep the clay off her clothes while I sent her home with a fistful of Sharpies and a clean white apron and she came back with a work of art!

She asked me to collaborate with her on the design, so I added some details across the top and mixed in here and there.

Well, have you, punk, have you had you clay today?????

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Blog: Song of the Day

I fell in love with Alexi Murdock when I first heard him on the soundtrack for the movie Away We Go. His CD "Time Without Consequence" is on my current top ten list. I know it's already 4 years old....sometimes I'm just a bit behind the curve, but it's still a great CD to keep in the air waves!

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Blog: Etsy Treasuries

I'm trying out the idea of creating a blog post everyday. I thought that by following a theme-a-day structure that it might make it a bit easier to keep up with. Well, we'll see about that. And, of course, I'm making it up as I go we'll really see about that.

Since it's late and I'm winding down for the evening, I've decided to do something relatively easy and highlight a few of my favorite treasuries that I've been included in this week. Please click on the link and browse the creators shop too - you're sure to find some lovely work that will inspire and tempt you!!

Here's a great collection by localcolorist titled " Art Deco Pink " love for Lorraine of TrinityDJ

Next up - thebeadgirl created this beauty Just keep spinning....

And last for the night, my favorite of the week by JulieBinmore Karen's Kitchen Etsy-fied!

Thank you to the creative treasury makers that include my work in their lovely treasuries!!

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday Blog: This Natural World

My husband Don had a childhood rich with local amphibians and reptiles. He loves frogs, snakes, turtles, and all manner of creeping, crawling things. Today he came into the shop with a big smile and the announcement that he just saved the life of this turtle that made the mistake of trying to cross the get to the other side.

Of course, Abbey the Cat had to get involved....hmmmm what is that? She wasn't all that interested.

I would love to be able to tuck myself into a protective shell some days!

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Some July Treasuries

Is it really August already? Wow!

Anyway, I've been having a lot of fun with Etsy's new treasury finder and thought I'd share just a few of the wonderful treasuries that feature some of my tiles. Thanks to the creative treasury makers, and Enjoy!

Here's one that by ravenspaperjewelry titled
"The World Traveler Unpacks at Last"
which features my Trilobite magnet.

This one by quinncorrinne is titled
"Show Off Your Riches"
and features my sunflower ornament

I love this one by fishprincessdesigns
It features my Tied Fly 4x4 tile and is titled
"Fish Flies"

And one more for your viewing pleasure...mcrdesigns made this treasury titled "A Hint of Turquoise"

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