Carving New York State fossils!
OK - be honest many of you know what the New York Sate fossil is? Really?

Well, I've always been a huge fan of fossils, myself. In fact, one of the very first tiles I carved when I apprenticed at the Moravian Pottery and Tileworks, in Doylestown, PA, was a trilobite. And I've spent many hours hiking the trails of Thacher Park, NY, searching for crinoid stems and brachiopods. Yup, I'm a geek that way.
So when I was asked to carve New York State fossils as highlight details in a backsplash for a retired Earth Sciences teacher, I was delighted. I started with a little image research, a large blank slab of wax, my favorite carving tools, and my trusty sidekick, Abbey, to help me out.
To see the process of wax carving to finished moulds, check out my Flickr page, or my Facebook fansite.
And check back tomorrow for an update on the pressed tiles!!